Thursday, October 11, 2018

Review Paper about Nido Commercial 2018

Image result for nido commercial

            This modern time where technology is really fast changing and thus influence our lives. The media has important impact in our daily life. As we watch television commercials, there are certain points that left behind us.
            One of the most trending commercial I watched is the "Nido commercial" which emphasizes the value of family. although on its first appearance there is somewhat problem encountering their relationship but somehow develop into a real love story where the focus lies on the love of their child. On the third commercial of the said Nido product, I noticed that their is a big possibility of uniting this couple. The love for their child brought them to a higher degree of realization  that the  family should be prioritize and make love the center of everything.
            Indeed, The commercial yield positive results among viewers because it highlights salient points which a couple should do to be a good parents. It also wanted to emphasize that any problem involving family can be fixed if only they will make their mind open in the possibility of fixing things together.

           The commercial of Nido is a sequel of the story of a couple who at first have this family problem regarding their status. But as the commercial lead on there is somewhat good happening in their relationship. Love comes back as shown in the TV ads. There is great impact on their family especially on their child as he seen the flowing love of their parents. 
          The commercial is rated PG because children must be guided by their parents or older people so they will understand the problem of the commercial. This commercial is highly recommended nationwide because it manifest positive traits and values that a family should have. Time spent on the family as well as setting an issues in an amicable manner is highly appreciated.
          Thus, the commercial should be given an appreciation from us because it tackles important issues that every family should focus on. 

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